Please follow these steps
- Step 1: Access to website: https://portonline.gemadept.com.vn
- Step 2: Select the port: Gemalink
- Step 3: Enter the number of containers
- Step 4: Enter confirmation code
- Step 5: Click search

Please access following links:

Please send registration email to visit Gemalink port to hanh.ntm@gemalink.com.vn, at least 01 week in advance from the scheduled date of tour.
Content: Company profile, purpose of visit, expected date and time to visit, list of attendees (including full name, title, ID / passport number), with information of representative to contact (including name, phone, email).
The Customer Care Department will contact the Board of Management and relevant departments for comments, if approved, we will send a representative to contact the tour and reply to the email within the day if requested. We will respond to the above emails during business hours.